Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Cultivating Confidence

I have shared these few tidbits with a couple of people already, but I'd like to share them with you now. This journey is evolving for me on a daily basis. Every adult at some point develops a sense of self-awareness and confidence. Growing up will do that to everyone. Everything about the process of this safari has been about growth and education beginning late last December. I have realized in the few short weeks some elements of self-awareness which I really hadn't contemplated in the past or thought could be a part of my personality. Firstly, every time you step into a cab in Moshi you must first negotiate the price of the fare or risk most assuredly of the cabbie taking advantage of you. Secondly, there are street vendors, shop owners, and expedition/tourist operators who are constantly seeking you out to convince you to go to his shop or office. Consider this scenario the literally IN YOUR FACE telemarketer. They are persistent if not annoying in their supplications. You must be firm with them or you will find yourself buying everything. You quickly become adept with some local terms in order to keep them out of your face. Thirdly, in learning the language, no matter how many mistakes I've made, I have found that people will almost immediately without fail become much more welcoming and brighter. Barriers come down, and common ground is reached. It's sounds simple; however, not everybody is as confident trying the language. I found that it literally has made a world of difference.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr.K,it`s Madison from grade four last year.Me and my friend miss you alot and can`t wait for you to come back to F.P.K.W.P.S.What kind of things have you seen,it must be awsome!Make sure you write me back.

your former student,